About Me

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Irene from Italy. I love cross stitching.


Thursday 21 July 2016

Period of progress.

Hello stitchers! How have you been? Hope everything is alright with you all out there.

I was a bit busy and didn't feel ok (and thus I almost forgot to post this little update on my personal progress on Leo), but don't worry! I'm here to make amend.

Let's start with some photos...

Those were taken through the last year, 2015.


was the first photo taken in the new year.
You can see a square 10x10 already stutched, that was the requirement of the new HAED fb group challenge. That stated to stitch ten full square in a checkered pattern in a new area.

I remember it was fun stitch in this new way and at the end (which I'll show you next time) there weren't the feared lines between each squares.
The confetti stitches has slowed me down a bit, but that was a little price to pay for having tried something i never thought to do while stitching.

I wish you a week full of happiness and cross stitches.

See you soon,