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Irene from Italy. I love cross stitching.


Saturday 28 March 2020

Challenges: finished and starting.

Hello stitchers!

Since the last post, i've been stitching almost non-stop mostly because i really like how WWAVMC is turning out and due Italy being in quarantine.

First 12000 crosses were stitched between the 1st of January through the 1st of February. I thought that i would fail, but no, i did it!

Then i was able to fully complete the first row of pages.

In the last couple of days I've also took part in the "Last minute" challenge that requested 1500 crosses to be stitched through March 24th to the 28th.




Where i'm now, after 1500 crosses.

On March 30th will being the "Giro d'Italia" challenge: 20 legs representing the 20 regional capitals of Italy.
The number of stitches represent each km of distance from city to city, plus a "0" to make the numbers more interesting.

Here's a pic of the details.

Challenge 20 legs

What about You? 

                                        See you soon,