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Irene from Italy. I love cross stitching.


Monday 25 April 2016


Hello stitchers!

Here there are some pics of the progress made on "Leo" started in the night of 20th of November 2013 through January 2015... How time flies away!

Not so much to see in the first set of photo but, it's a start.

There are some faces showing in the sun rays.

Here the constellation's stars are shining in the night sky, even though there's no sparkly floss in them.
Oh... Look at the woman's hair! They're curly (I'm envying  this so much) and full of confetti stitches blowing in the wind.

In the last two pics the woman's face is clearly visible, and if you look closely enough, you will be able to spot some face in the torch's flame and smoke.

I adore the fact that with so many confetti stitches you can get a bit confused at the result (i've asked myself what i was doing many, many times over while cross stitching because i didn't get the "Why" put this colour there or this colour here?" and being totally honest, sometimes i thought i was making some mistake, but luckily it never happened so far)and with this I've learnt that you (and me) have to believe and always trust the chart without feeling discouraged... 
It will take some time, weeks or months but hang in there. Don't quit on the project only because you can't see some result right away, stick to it and keep stitching, even when you feel like giving up. Take a moment to look at the mock-up picture then stand up facing the pattern and look at it, wherever you are you must feel happy with the stitches that have been put on the once white (or colored, your chioce) piece of fabric. 
When you last expect it, you'll see the picture take form.

The detiails of a pattern this big will show fully when you look at it from some distance and believe me, the result can take your breath away, since HAED patterns are so beautifully charted.

This is where I leave you for now, I'm off trying to put some crosses on this wip after I drank my usually hot cup of black tea. ☕

Have a wonderful week, filled with smiles and many stitches!
Hugs to all the stitchers out there,


  1. Great progress on this project.
    The details on the lady's hair is amazing.
    I have a small HAED project as a WIP, I better find some time to add a few little xx on it soon :)

    1. Thank you! A HAED can take some time and Leo is no difference.
      I know but the pics don't make justice to all the details.
      I hope you can find time to relax and stitch but don't rush, you have to enjoy your project and every xxxx.

      Have a good day, and thanks again for your comment!


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